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ein Muss, bevor die Totalzensur kommt!

#1 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 16.08.2021 08:23

ein Muss, bevor die Totalzensur kommt!
es geht, ja nicht ,,nur" um, sondern ganz allgemein! Dies ist vielmehr ,,nur ein" Beispiel!
(wie immer bei der komplette Inhalt
des Videos auch als Text zum Lesen unterhalb des Videos)

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.653
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.08.2021 | Top

RE: ein Muss, bevor die Totalzensur kommt!

#2 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 16.08.2021 09:38

hab den Text unter dem Video mit google mal auf englisch übersetzt:

Before the total censorship comes: Back up Kla.TV on your computer

03/26/2020 |

kla tv english: (but exist also in many other languages like for example in French, Spanish, Persian, Arabic & in many other languages)

Due to the current exit restrictions, today's broadcast will not take place in our studio, but you can see me here in my private space. We do everything we can to offer you independent and free reporting despite restrictions. > Vimeo irrevocably deletes all Kla.TV videos: The entire Kla.TV channel on the Vimeo video platform was deleted without warning. Tens of thousands of Kla.TV productions can no longer be viewed on the supposedly independent video platform. When asked, Vimeo wrote to us: "We do not allow videos that make false or misleading claims about vaccination safety or that claim mass tragedies are fraud or false flag operations." > YouTube hides Kla.TV videos: If the exact title of a popular Kla.TV program is entered in the YouTube search, usually not a single reference to the Kla.TV channel can be found in the search results. Subscribers report that our videos have disappeared from the subscription feed and their likes are no longer counted. We seem to have been banned from YouTube recommendations for a long time. > Facebook warns with “fact check” information: If you would like to watch the current Kla.TV trend program on Facebook, you will be surprised with a warning message. “False information - checked by independent fact checkers.” The Internet is rapidly becoming a totalitarian-controlled one-opinion network. Where are critical journalism and questioning dissenting voices on world events? Kla.TV does not claim to be flawless - much more claim to complete sources: As a contribution to the responsible and free formation of opinion of mankind. This seems to be a thorn in the side of the makers of the controlled internet. Get active and load as many important Kla.TV topics as possible onto your own computer. Our volunteer programmers are constantly expanding the range of downloads: With the latest download function, you can now download entire video collections with just a few clicks of the mouse! And this is how it works: Click on the topic that interests you: - In the hashtag navigation bar, - below the video - or in the transmission history. Click “Download” and choose the download type that suits you. Suitable download options are available from computer beginners to advanced users. Load these well-researched video collections from Kla.TV onto an external hard drive without an internet connection. The current crisis situation shows that our lives can change from one day to the next. What if, for example, Kla.TV is suddenly no longer available? Start thinking today and secure the valuable knowledge archive. In an emergency, distribute this on internet-independent channels. In times of internet regulation and the emergence of total censorship - a must.

of it.

Sources / Links:

KlaTV website 4 videos

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.653
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.08.2021 | Top

RE: ein Muss, bevor die Totalzensur kommt!

#3 von Dörte Donker , 16.08.2021 10:02

gelöschter Beitrag

Dörte Donker  
Dörte Donker
Beiträge: 1.055
Registriert am: 18.01.2015

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.08.2021 | Top

RE: ein Muss, bevor die Totalzensur kommt!

#4 von Tobias Martin Schneider , 22.08.2021 11:06

Tobias Martin Schneider  
Tobias Martin Schneider
Beiträge: 1.653
Registriert am: 06.03.2019

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.08.2021 | Top


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